Abuja’s Traffic Innovation

In Abuja, traffic rules and regulations don’t seem to matter very much. Nowadays there seems to have been a total breakdown of law and order on its streets

People drive against traffic and it’s just okay. In the process they wilfully obstruct the roads and cause a jam. Police and other traffic officers may be at hand, but there are never any arrests or sanctions for offenders

On Abuja roads, madness is viewed as normal behaviour.

These cars have left their lane to go against traffic. Many of them are just coming from church.
This lady was going against traffic but her car protested and stopped right there. Ultimately she will get the car fixed up, at her leisure. There will be no sanctions for her. The other blue car next hers stopped as well – all of this is on the opposing lane!
Motorists who are going the right way have to endure patiently while the “owners of the road” impede their movement. No apologies given.

I think a Hall of Shame for these idiots should be a worthwhile project.

Apparently, in Nigeria’s capital city, both right and left hand driving is accepted.

Published by Victor Ordu

Learning new things and growing on a daily basis - that's what life's all about!

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